Andrea Baumann - BodyTalk
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My aim is to offer you treatment that will best meet your personal healthcare
And the well-being of your family and you. BodyTalk The BodyTalk System is an innovative approach that helps individuals regain and maintain optimal health. It is a unique blend of ancient and modern concepts from both Western and Oriental medical systems. What sets BodyTalk apart from other healthcare modalities is that the practitioner doesn't assess, diagnose, or treat any specific condition. Instead, they tap into the innate wisdom that resides within each individual to identify imbalances that need to be addressed for normal functioning to be restored. A client's innate wisdom guides the practitioner to stimulate parts of the body so that this self-healing can occur at all energetic levels – chemical, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The practitioner uses BodyTalk techniques to balance the identified imbalances and then taps over the brain and heart to initiate the changes and to store them. BodyTalk supports you in the resolution of