Dear Andrea
I just wanted to let you know how special you are. there are few people, unfortunately, that truly understand me or can see what is going on with me on such a deep and personal level.
Usually it is only your significant other that sees the true you because they have spent the hours, days, months and years getting to know you and developing that understanding. With you it was an immediate soul connection and you demonstrated through your intuitive gifts that you understood my pain and suffering and how it still haunts me to this day. For this I am so grateful.
Thank you, for your gift of insight, your gentle and caring treatment to release my emotions and open up to a new way of healing. Your knowledge and dedication to the practice of healing that you have invested in yourself gives me great confidence in you and your ongoing treatment. I am in safe and caring hands.
When I attended your soul mapping workshop, you told us of your journey to healing in such an honest and open way, and you shared your story which has given me hope for the first time ever that I may just find a way out of the cave that I am in. You radiate such a beautiful calmness that it is very hard to believe the chaos that you once lived and pain you have born. This is testament to your dedication and perseverance in creating a better life for yourself. I deeply admire you for that and say well done.
I hope that I am on the right healing path now and am confident that when I return to you for another session I will advance even further.
Thank you very very much
C.G. Auckland March 2019
I just wanted to let you know how special you are. there are few people, unfortunately, that truly understand me or can see what is going on with me on such a deep and personal level.
Usually it is only your significant other that sees the true you because they have spent the hours, days, months and years getting to know you and developing that understanding. With you it was an immediate soul connection and you demonstrated through your intuitive gifts that you understood my pain and suffering and how it still haunts me to this day. For this I am so grateful.
Thank you, for your gift of insight, your gentle and caring treatment to release my emotions and open up to a new way of healing. Your knowledge and dedication to the practice of healing that you have invested in yourself gives me great confidence in you and your ongoing treatment. I am in safe and caring hands.
When I attended your soul mapping workshop, you told us of your journey to healing in such an honest and open way, and you shared your story which has given me hope for the first time ever that I may just find a way out of the cave that I am in. You radiate such a beautiful calmness that it is very hard to believe the chaos that you once lived and pain you have born. This is testament to your dedication and perseverance in creating a better life for yourself. I deeply admire you for that and say well done.
I hope that I am on the right healing path now and am confident that when I return to you for another session I will advance even further.
Thank you very very much
C.G. Auckland March 2019

I attended Andrea’s “Treasure Mapping a Journey to YOUR Soul” workshop to hopefully help dislodge me from the “rut” I’d been living in for some time. I had become overwhelmed, fatigued, in physical pain, no longer found joy in things and to top it off I’d recently been diagnosed with anxiety due to long term stress and burnout. I needed to do something but I really had no idea what. During one of my regular Bodytalk sessions Andrea had mentioned her workshop and so I organised childcare especially and pushed myself to get there.
I found the story of her own journey incredibly moving and inspiring, I made up my mind then and there that if I was even half as strong as she was I’d get my life back “on track”.
I really enjoyed creating my Map, it helped bring out my long-buried creativity, and it helped me clarify what was important in my life, what had fallen by the wayside, what I wanted more of, what I could do without and so on. I took it home that night and showed my husband, it inspired him too!
I can look at my Map every day. So with that to use as a guide when I need, I have now started taking the practical steps to implement the changes I need to make.
Thank you Andrea for your incredible story, your strength and guidance throughout this process, your continuing support with my Bodytalk sessions and for simply being the amazing person you are. Thanks largely to you I know I am on my healing journey and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me.
With love and light
C.J. xoxo March 2019
Testimonials 2018/19:
- I really enjoyed creating my treasure map, I was attracted to pictures that I was not "thinking" about but my heart was. L.W. Auckland
- I really liked how Andrea talked about her story; it was very moving and also very encouraging. I loved how she reminded us to remain positive even in bad situations. L.M. Auckland
- With digging deeper within myself I discovered behavioural patterns that I was not even aware I had. L.B. Auckland
- With fun and support I found I was able to dig deeper, I created a fantastic map that I will continue to grow over the next few weeks. Z.B Auckland
- Andrea created a comprehensive power point presentation that made me think twice in how I treat myself and how I let others treat me. S. H. Auckland