![]() December 2021, we were already well into our second year of the pandemic. In that time, I had to close my clinic and move into "working from home" mode. Something I was always strongly opposed to. It took a lot of getting used to that, especially mentally, "getting my head around it" as they say. Nearly 2 years later it feels very normal to work from home. I was also in the middle of finishing my manuscript for my upcoming book -From Pain Into Purpose-, that carried a deadline and I still had so much to do. I also worried about my beautiful cat Zivah, I knew her time to leave was drawing closer and closer, she had days left, my heart was very heavy, just the thought of it, not having her around. I also noticed that my thyroid gland was protruding and was getting bigger and bigger especially on the left side of the gland, and from around the 18th of December 2021 it was huge and very painful. I was worried it would grow more and push on my windpipe or other important passages, plus it suddenly started to be very painful. To top it all off, my body created strange pains everywhere. This was all unusual as most of my life I was very healthy and rarely got sick. So off I went to the doctor's office, blood tests and ultrasound were ordered, and we were able to see that there was a huge cyst on the thyroid that had haemorrhaged, hence the strong pain and swelling including my face. My blood showed elevated cholesterol, in my case I know this had been created by stress. My weight had also started to pick up and all in all I felt a bit sorry for myself. I was extremely tired and some days it was a real struggle to function. Thank goodness a holiday came up. I knew I had to make some real changes. First, I made an appointment with a Naturopath, and I was lucky enough as they were able to see me just before the New Year. Just before they went on their holiday. I got put on adrenal support and other supplements. It turns out, I had Adrenal Fatigue and needed help. I found an immediate change in my energy levels, even though for the first few months it fluctuated a lot while my body was adjusting. Some days were amazing, and other days not so much. I also found my sleep was slowly getting better. I never had any sleep issues before that, so this was very unusual and very uncomfortable, my brain didn't function as well and my hormones were way out of balance. I made sure I put myself first in everything I did. And that was the key!! So "NO" was a commonly used word from then on, ditching specific foods as I went Gluten Free and Milk Product Free. What a difference!!! A few months down the track and I can honestly say that I feel so much better!! In February I decided I wanted to work with a Nutritionist and found a beautiful lady here up on the Coast not far from my home. Due to restrictions, we worked online. The part that fascinated me the most was the psychology behind my choices or non-choices. I had a lot of re-learning to do, especially the timing of my food and actually eating NOT SKIPPING meals. It is so easy to just get caught up in the moment, I re-learned that it is important to plan. The most difficult task the nutritionist gave me to date was 2 days conscious eating. NO phone, NO TV, no nothing and really connecting with your food. CHEW your food, take in the colours, love your veggies!!! To find that time in my day was shear impossible. So, I made some more changes, especially how I book my clients. It had to be more realistic and supportive for me. This weekend we had easter weekend, my most favourite holiday in the year, as it carries beautiful childhood memories. It also comes with a lot of foods that are off my list. So, I changed my mindset of what needed to be on the table. I had 2 foods that were technically off my list, however after talking to my nutritionist I had a tiny bit of both foods. It made me happy and satiated as I felt I had a complete pallet of my favourite foods. It is all about balance, in regards of everything.
And of course, I supported myself with BodyTalk Sessions throughout. I would never miss my sessions. To find a practitioner near you, go to www.bodytalksystem.com Much Love Andrea Baumann
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AuthorAfter completing my Book manuscript, I realized I still had so much to share. And here we are. Welcome! I am so happy you found your way to my blog. ArchivesCategories |
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